- Processing time: due to the high volume of orders and exclusivity of our products, please allow 3-5 days to process your order.
After that, it typically takes 15-25 business days for a standard shipping delivery. Golden Shop's #1 priority will always be our customer's satisfaction. Due to our extremely high demand & daily order volume, our current average shipping times can vary.
Please note:
- The delivery periods as provided are indicative only.
- The estimated shipping time does not include possible customs delays.
- The general and specific holidays in the destination country are not taken into account.
- We can not be held responsible for missing the estimated delivery periods.
- In the case of product returns, delivery fees are the responsibility of the buyer.
If your order hasn't arrived in the estimated delivery times, please contact our support team at
(This policy excludes errors made by customers when providing shipping details on their order(s) or missed parcel deliveries).
- Address Details:
Please note that if inaccurate or incomplete addresses are provided, or if there are unverified details with your order, it may delay processing. We encourage all customers to thoroughly review their shipping and billing information prior to checking out to ensure any possible delays are avoided.
Your package may or may not require a signature. Most packages are delivered to the mailbox or front door of the address provided, however, it is up to the delivery courier to decide if the package is safe being left in the open. If they deem it unsafe, they will hold the package at a local post office or re-schedule another delivery. Our best recommendation is to input a shipping address where you know you or someone else will be available to accept the package (a work address or a friend's address).